Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Which one will you choose?


Older men :
1) He is a walking encyclopedia. Seriously, he knows cool stuffs that will awe you and you will never get bored.
2) He knows how to treat a woman. He is experienced and you're gonna be treated like a woman should ever be treated.
3) He knows how to enjoy life. This is a gender-equality era where it is common to split the bills, but he knows how to make you enjoy life. He knows what's worthy and what's not.
4) He is wise. He knows how to manage life, what he wants in life, plans and secures everything in advance, knows the best options and he could manage everything in just a click away.
6) He probably already has some grey hair, wrinkles, belly to cuddle, and that is HOT..!!

Younger men :
1) He is cute and naive. You might know more cool stuffs than him and this will make you feel smart (even though maybe you're not) and he might admire you more.
2) You can teach him how to treat a woman properly and this gives you a sense of power and control.
3) Good guys are taught to respect women especially older women, so he will respect you.
4) He is fun, crazy, playful and you will have lots of good laugh. You're basically having fun talking about rubbish and laughing a lot for no reaosn.
5) Younger guys are always on fire...!


Younger women:
1) She's young. She's hot. She's blooming. She's flaming. Firm. Tight. Soft. Hot. Wish it'd stay like that for the next 25 years.
2) She's playful and know how to have fun. And she's curious. You'll have lots of fun teaching her.
3) Girls are attracted by maturity and security by nature. Since they're young, you've got a headstart. You probably are gonna be the boss.
4) She could still be flexible in deciding her future path, so you might take part in 'shaping' her life.

Older women:
1) She is mature. She already knows what she wants and tend to be direct about it. Do you want to have night out at the club or movie night at home? She'll pick one in a a second and has reasons why.
2) She's experienced, confident, and she knows herself well. She could take care of you really well. What's not interesting about that?
3) She is independent and financially stable, so you've got your superwoman figure. And she doesn't mind picking some tabs.
4) "Don't worry, I could go by myself, you don't have to come pick me up" rather than "Honey it's raining and it's late, could you please pick me up?" and less drama. She'll make your life easier.

Just from my friend's opinion, but sometimes age is not showing the maturity.

Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Tips Makeup Mata Sipit

Karena mata saya juga sipit, mau share copas dari blog tetangga. Suatu saat kucobain deh..

Bila kamu memiliki mata sipit tidak perlu bersedih dulu dan ambil keputusan untuk dioperasi, hanya perlu trik dan tips khusus supaya tampak lebih besar dan bersinar.

Ikuti langkah berikut:

1. Gunakan alas mata berupa sedikit concealer yang dioleskan di kelopak mata

2. Baurkan warna putih/ivory ke seluruh kelopak mata sampai ke bawah alis

3. Buat bayangan tepat di atas tonjolan bola mata. Caranya, raba bola mata Anda, dan buat warna coklat muda atau peach tepat di lingkaran atas bola mata Anda. Hal ini bertujuan membuat bayangan kelopak mata.

4. Gunakan kuas untuk aplikasi eyeshadow. Pilih warna gelap, dan baurkan dari arah sudut luar mata ke arah dalam, sehingga terbentuk model mata kucing/cat eye

5. Baurkan eyeshadow warna gelap ke arah dalam mata

6. Tambahkan eyeshadow warna gelap di sudut bawah mata, bagian bawah mata luar lebih tebal dibanding bawah mata dalam

7. Aplikasikan dua jenis eyeliner hitam. Jenis pensil digunakan tepat di tumbuhnya bulu mata atas dan bawah. Jenis cair/spidol digunakan di atasnya, dan tarik sudut arah luar agak ke atas. Tebalkan eyeliner jenis cair ini, dengan cara mengulangi pemakaiannya tepat diatasnya, semakin tebal, semakin terlihat besar mata Anda

8. Gunakan maskara dengan jenis yang dapat menebalkan bulu mata. Aplikasikan maskara pada bagian bulu mata atas dan bawah

9. Tempelkan bulu mata palsu di bagian atas dan bawah mata. Potong panjang bulu mata palsu bagian bawah, cukup sudut luarnya saja sehingga terlihat lebih alami

Tali Pengharapan

Siapakah dia?
Dimanakah dia?
Cinta, wujud suatu tali pengharapan
Cinta pun wujud keindahan

Wahai Sang Pencipta
Siapakah lelaki itu
Siapakah dia dalam tiap munajatku
Siapakah yg pantas
Menjadi tali pengharapanku, Tuhan

Mudahkanlah jalannya
Mudahkan pula jalanku
Suatu masa dapat tali itu terikat
Terikat dalam naunganMu

Senin, 25 November 2013

Getting older, getting much to understand

Heloo, I'm back! Feel so desperate today. I don't know why, but that's all about my fault of course. I realized when I'm getting older, so getting much I must understand for. Any moments flew away for some reasons, and just Allah SWT know it for the last, now and for the best future to me.